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A brief history of Flower Essences, and why I love to make them.

I took this photo in my garden the day I made 4 essences at the same time. I was thrilled to see so many flowers ready to donate their vibration, willing to be clipped to be used for healing. It was an exciting day!

You see when I make a flower essence its not something I do lightly or quickly. I truly have a relationship with the plant. Its a spiritual process, a meditative and magical thing.

Nobody really knows how long humans have been making flower essence vibrational medicine, but because early people were more connected with the Earth and her plant life, because early peoples were generally animists, I think it's safe to say it's been a very long time!

I read this on the Wildfire Musings blog:

 "The Aborigines used flower essences as a means for healing themselves, the tribe and the earth 50 thousand years ago. It’s said babies were born into earth pits filled with elixir flowers". I love it.

Though Edward Bach gets all the credit for "creating flower essences" its far from the truth. Yes, he brought them into the mainstream, but I'll give my credit to Saint Hildegard of Bingham.

She was a nun born in 1098. She worked with crystals, herbs and flowers for healing. Hildegard would use her knowledge and intuition to make Flower essences and othe botanical healing elixirs. Hildegard is still known as the originator of German alternative medicine.

She really does deserves the recognition she is given for her contributions to holistic health and wellness. She, like so many people have come to realize, promoted the prevention of disease and illness by natural means. She was a proponent of a moderate and healthy lifestyle and used the curative powers of natural objects for healing.

She wrote books about her natural healing remedies including Flower Essence thearapies way before Edward Bach.

She was a strong, intelligent, intuitive and defiant woman who led the fight to emancipate all women.

I like to believe I'm following in her footsteps, as so many women have. When I'm creating my flower essences, I give a little thanks to Hildegard.

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